Del amor y otros negocios. Los capítulos matrimoniales como fuente para el estudio de la Historia de las Mujeres
El matrimonio sigue siendo durante la época moderna una institución que responde a la doble necesidad de garantizar la reproducción biológica de los individuos y el mantenimiento de unas estructuras estables que garanticen el orden social. Es la condición indispensable para poder establecer la legitimidad de la madre y los hijos, garantizando la continuidad del linaje. Amor y matrimonio no suelen coincidir durante la Edad Moderna. Los sentimientos se consideran motivos irracionales que impiden realizar un matrimonio «conveniente» estable y feliz. Despojado de elementos irracionales se convierte en un contrato económico y privado que pretende mantener el patrimonio familiar dentro del grupo y, si es posible, incrementarlo. Los pactos entre familias se realizan sin la intervención de los futuros esposos. Los capítulos matrimoniales son documentos privados en los que se recogen estos pactos sobre los que se asentará el régimen económico de la nueva familia, adaptándose a cada caso particular.
Marriage during the Modern Age is still, as it was in past centuries, an institution that responds to two needs, to guarantee the biologic reproduction of the individuals and to keep the stable structures that gurantee the social order. Is the prerequisite to be able to stablish the legitimity between the mother and her sons, giving continuinty to the lineage. Love and marriage don't use to match during the Modern Age. Feelings are considered irrational reasons that go against a «convenient» stable and happy marriage. Having those irrational elements stripped marriage becomes a financial and private deal that tries to keep together the family patrimony within the group, and if possible, to make it grow. Deals between families are done without the intervention of the future marrieds. Marriages are private documents that put together those deals where the new family will base their finance infrastructure, adapting it to each indivial situation.
Marriage during the Modern Age is still, as it was in past centuries, an institution that responds to two needs, to guarantee the biologic reproduction of the individuals and to keep the stable structures that gurantee the social order. Is the prerequisite to be able to stablish the legitimity between the mother and her sons, giving continuinty to the lineage. Love and marriage don't use to match during the Modern Age. Feelings are considered irrational reasons that go against a «convenient» stable and happy marriage. Having those irrational elements stripped marriage becomes a financial and private deal that tries to keep together the family patrimony within the group, and if possible, to make it grow. Deals between families are done without the intervention of the future marrieds. Marriages are private documents that put together those deals where the new family will base their finance infrastructure, adapting it to each indivial situation.
Palabras clave
Historia de género
Revista semestral presente en:
Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna
ISSN: 1699-7778