Entre lo permitido y lo ilícito: la vida afectiva en los Tiempos Modernos
Este artículo estudia la vida afectiva en los Tiempos Modernos desde dos puntos de vista: de un lado, analizando las posibilidades manifiestas en la normativa de entonces: Concilio de Trento, Santos Padres, Catecismos, y algunos teólogos considerados más o menos comprensivos ante la relación afectiva y conyugal. De otro, las relaciones extrafamiliares que generaron apertura y seguimiento de causa criminal. Para ello se utiliza la documentación existente en los archivos diocesanos, en este caso referidos a la Archidiócesis Hispalense, utilizando un período amplio siglos XVII y XVIII.
This article studies the emotional life in Early Modern times from two different points of view: in one hand analysing the possibilities of the moral rules in those times: Council of Trent, Church Fathers, Catechisms and some theologians considered more or less comprehensive towards marital and emotional relationships. In the other hand, analysing the extramarital relations that generated the opening of any kind of trial. The resources of Diocesan Archives are used for that purpose, specially referred to the archdiocese of Seville. The period of study is wide: the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
This article studies the emotional life in Early Modern times from two different points of view: in one hand analysing the possibilities of the moral rules in those times: Council of Trent, Church Fathers, Catechisms and some theologians considered more or less comprehensive towards marital and emotional relationships. In the other hand, analysing the extramarital relations that generated the opening of any kind of trial. The resources of Diocesan Archives are used for that purpose, specially referred to the archdiocese of Seville. The period of study is wide: the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Palabras clave
Historia de género
Revista semestral presente en:
Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna
ISSN: 1699-7778