La producción editorial sobre el Imperio Otomano y los turcos en España (1470-1850). Una investigación in fieri
Resumen: Análisis de los libros y documentos publicados o en circulación por España sobre aspectos políticos, militares, religiosos, culturales y económicos relacionados con el Imperio Otomano o los turcos, entre 1470 (fecha del más antiguo de los encontrados hasta hoy) y 1850. Las conclusiones resaltan su ritmo cronológico, la importancia de las relaciones de sucesos, la falta de rigor informativo y su mayor frecuencia durante el siglo XVII (especialmente en los años sucesivos al asedio de Viena por los turcos, de 1683).
Abstract: The paper presents the results of an analysis of books and documents that offer an opinion about political, military, religious, cultural and economical aspects of the Ottoman Empire or of the Turks, in circulation or published in Spain between 1470 (the oldest one found up until today) and 1850. In all of them Turks are mentioned directly or indirectly. The conclusions of the study are: 1. The documents analysed emphatize the events report. 2. The printed information does not correspond to reality. 3. Books and documents were more abundant by far during the 17th century (especially in the years before the siege of Wien by the Turks in 1683) than along the 15th, 16th, 18th and 19th centuries. 4. The chronological rhythm of the printed books.
Abstract: The paper presents the results of an analysis of books and documents that offer an opinion about political, military, religious, cultural and economical aspects of the Ottoman Empire or of the Turks, in circulation or published in Spain between 1470 (the oldest one found up until today) and 1850. In all of them Turks are mentioned directly or indirectly. The conclusions of the study are: 1. The documents analysed emphatize the events report. 2. The printed information does not correspond to reality. 3. Books and documents were more abundant by far during the 17th century (especially in the years before the siege of Wien by the Turks in 1683) than along the 15th, 16th, 18th and 19th centuries. 4. The chronological rhythm of the printed books.
Palabras clave
Libros, relaciones de sucesos
Texto completo:
PDFRevista semestral presente en:
Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna
ISSN: 1699-7778