El clero ante la crisis del siglo XVII. Conflictos y estrategias
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es clarificar la amplia variedad de estrategias que los eclesiásticos españoles realizaron para mantener sus niveles de renta ante la caída del ingreso y el aumento de presión fiscal. Los problemas que se enfrentaron fueron heterogéneos al igual que las medidas que tuvieron que adoptar para solucionarlos. La jerarquía, gran propietaria de tierras y diezmos, sustituyó la administración directa de sus rentas por contratos de arrendamiento y defendió sus intereses dentro del marco de negociación fiscal. El clero parroquial hubo de ingeniárselas para sobrevivir del escaso excedente que generaban sus campesinos mientras que los conventos, ante la avalancha de desheredados que acudían a sus puertas en busca de alimento y cobijo seguro, tuvieron que ampliar su capacidad y buscar fuentes de financiación.
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to clarify the wide variety of strategies that the Spanish ecclesiastics carried out to stop the fall of income, the increase of tax pressure and to guarantee a worthy standard of living to their members. The problems which they faced were heterogeneous and also the measures that were adopted to solve them. The hierarchy, great owner of lands and tithes, replaced the direct administration of their lands by contracts of lease and defended their interests within the framework of tax negotiation. The parochial clergy had to learn to survive with the small surplus produced by their peasants and the convents had to increase their capacity and find sponsors when faced with the avalanche of the dispossessed who came to them in search of food shelter.
Abstract: The purpose of this work is to clarify the wide variety of strategies that the Spanish ecclesiastics carried out to stop the fall of income, the increase of tax pressure and to guarantee a worthy standard of living to their members. The problems which they faced were heterogeneous and also the measures that were adopted to solve them. The hierarchy, great owner of lands and tithes, replaced the direct administration of their lands by contracts of lease and defended their interests within the framework of tax negotiation. The parochial clergy had to learn to survive with the small surplus produced by their peasants and the convents had to increase their capacity and find sponsors when faced with the avalanche of the dispossessed who came to them in search of food shelter.
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PDFRevista semestral presente en:
Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna
ISSN: 1699-7778