Dominicos en la corte de los Austrias: el confesor del rey
Resumen: este artículo analiza la presencia de la orden de Predicadores en la corte de los Austrias, prestando especial atención a su hegemonía en el confesionario real durante el siglo XVII. La llegada a este oficio representó el cénit a una carrera eclesiástica, tanto en el seno de la orden religiosa, como en el entorno cortesano. Por otra parte, las atribuciones de estos religiosos trascendieron de la misión eclesiástica, para adquirir un enorme peso político. En este contexto dos cuestiones nos parecen de interés: la relación entre confesores y validos, y la mirada hacia la actividad del confesor por los coetáneos: entre las críticas y la autopropaganda.
Abstract: This article analyses the activity of the Preachers Order in the Habsburgs court. We study the hegemony in the royal confessional during the 17th century. This trade symbolizes the zenith for an ecclesiastic career in the religious order, but also in the court environment. By the other hand, the role of these religiouses went beyond the ecclesiastic mission to acquire a great political power. In this context, two questions are especially important: the relationship between confessors and validos, and the opinion of the contemporaries about the activity of the confessors: between the critism and the auto-propaganda
Abstract: This article analyses the activity of the Preachers Order in the Habsburgs court. We study the hegemony in the royal confessional during the 17th century. This trade symbolizes the zenith for an ecclesiastic career in the religious order, but also in the court environment. By the other hand, the role of these religiouses went beyond the ecclesiastic mission to acquire a great political power. In this context, two questions are especially important: the relationship between confessors and validos, and the opinion of the contemporaries about the activity of the confessors: between the critism and the auto-propaganda
Palabras clave
Dominicos, confesor real
Texto completo:
PDFRevista semestral presente en:
Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna
ISSN: 1699-7778