La reforma católica en Portugal en el periodo de la integración del reino en la Monarquía Hispánica (1580-1640)
Resumen: El artículo plantea estudiar cómo se aplicó la reforma católica en el Portugal de los Felipes (1580-1640). El objetivo último es presentar la multitud de actores que intervinieron en este proceso (corona, papado, obispos, autoridades locales) sus relaciones y tensiones y las vías de solución ante los conflictos que se plantearon. Asimismo, la aplicación de la reforma tridentina implicó la aceptación de una reglamentación y amplia difusión de los contenidos dogmáticos y doctrinales, algo que no siempre fue fácil de lograr y que chocó con realidades y creencias pretéritas de difícil desarraigo. No obstante, podemos decir que, a fin de cuentas la reforma portuguesa en líneas generales puede considerarse triunfante a mediados del siglo XVII.
Abstract: This article proposes to study how the Catholic reform was implemented in Portugal of the Philips (1580-1640). The objective is to present the variety of elements and actors involved in this process (the Crown, the Pope, the bishops, the local authorities...), their relationships and tensions and how they were face with the conflicts that arose in these years.
Furthermore, the implementation of the Tridentine reform involved the acceptance of a regulation and a wide dissemination of the dogmatic and doctrinal religious principles, something that was not always easy to achieve and which collided with some old realities and beliefs strongly uprooted. However, we can say that, after all, Portuguese reform is broadly considered triumphant in the mid-seventeenth century.
Abstract: This article proposes to study how the Catholic reform was implemented in Portugal of the Philips (1580-1640). The objective is to present the variety of elements and actors involved in this process (the Crown, the Pope, the bishops, the local authorities...), their relationships and tensions and how they were face with the conflicts that arose in these years.
Furthermore, the implementation of the Tridentine reform involved the acceptance of a regulation and a wide dissemination of the dogmatic and doctrinal religious principles, something that was not always easy to achieve and which collided with some old realities and beliefs strongly uprooted. However, we can say that, after all, Portuguese reform is broadly considered triumphant in the mid-seventeenth century.
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PDFRevista semestral presente en:
Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna
ISSN: 1699-7778