Procedimientos para el control del fraude y la corrupción en el sistema defensivo del Reino de Granada: las visitas en el siglo XVI (1516-1598)
Palabras clave: Siglo XVI Fraude Corrupción Visitas Defensa
Preventing fraud and corruption in the defence system of the Kingdom of Granada: inspection visits in the 16th century (1516-1598)
Abstract: This article examines the inspection visit procedure and its effectiveness in controlling and monitoring fraud in the defence system of the Kingdom of Granada. Using examples of different inspections carried out during the reigns of Charles V and Philip II, this essay studies the main fraud and corruption offences committed by officers, soldiers and other staff linked to the fortress and coastal defences as well as the actions taken by the Crown to avoid and fight against these offences and the penalties imposed by the royal administration.
Keywords: 16th century Fraud Corruption Inspections Defence system